Summary: | ABSTRACT:
Compressed - soybean cake is the waste product from soybean processing which is used for animal feeding as protein source. The cake may still contain some antitrypsin compounds left after processing which in turn may affect the digestion of protein by trypsin. In order to prove the existance of antitrypsin compoud, the inhibitory activity of the cake were measured spectrophotometrically against 100 ppm trypsin with 300 ppm of BAEE as substrate. The results showed that the extract of compressed - soybean cake at concentration of 15 % could inhibit the activity of trypsin about 65.17 %. The diluted extracts of the cake with concentration of 7.50 %, 5.00 % and 3.75 % decreased the activity of trypsin by 40.88 %, 30.33 % and 22.75 %, respectively. Therefore, to increase the value of protein source for the cattle feeding the cake needs to be treated in a special way to eliminate the antitrypsin compound.
Keywords : Antitripsin, soybeen-cake