Summary: | The role of education is very important in economic growth because it is the means for investing human resource skills. When all people have their own professional, physical modal of the nation will be efficient at all fields and can adopt technique of the new technology such as machines in indus-try, computers, etc. So, education can be used to improve labor productivities. To be one of the developing countries, Indonesia is violently attacked by multi-dimension crises for unbalancing income distribution, poverty, stag-nancy, unemployment, etc. These problems are usually happened to all de-veloping countries. For solving those matters, education has its significant role to improve access and social mobility both vertical and horizontal. It is also one of the instruments to alleviation poverty. To base on this idea, re-searcher wants to find out the educational roles of human resources to de-velop economic growth in Indonesia.
This research examines the empirical impact of public educational lev-els of the people to develop the economic growth in Indonesia as well as private educational investment. It also investigates the public expenditure of the government on educational sector in order to develop the economic growth. Estimation is tested with some models such as classical linear re-gression (Ordinary Least Square) and Engle-Granger correction model (Engle-Granger Error Correction Model). Data used are annual data, so to get success and the best result data have to pass with al] tests like diagnostics, economet-rics, statistics and also economic theory test.
Based of those results, government is suggested to develop important variables growth necessarily, especially public expenditure because from the data, public expenditure in Indonesia is very low if it compares to all member countries of ASEAN. Allocations of expenditure, especially g.ovem-ment subsidy on all kinds of educational sectors have to be reformed in order to improve all levels, which are more efficient in the future.
Key Words: Education - Economic Growth - Human Resources