Summary: | The existence of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), the pathogen causing bacterial canker, on 22 lots of tomato seeds distributed commercially in Indonesia was evaluated. Isolation ofsuspected Cmm colonies were conducted by agar dilution plating on semi-selective SCM medium followed by confirmation of colony identity on YDC medium. Identity of suspected Cmm colony was confirmed using IF test, pathogenisity test on tomato seedlings, hipersensitivity test on leafofMirabilis j alapa and Nicotiana tabacum, ELISA, and Cmm specific DNA amplification by PCR. After seed extraction and evaluation of the extract on semi-selective SCM medium and confirmastion by IF test, at least six tomato seed lots were contaminated with Cmm. After more confirmation using pathogenisity and hipersensitivity test, ELISA, and PCR amplification, at least three seed lots were confirmed possitively to carry Cmm.
Keywords : Cmm, bacterial canker, seedbome pathogen, tomato seeds