Summary: | ABSTRACT:
Photostability of parasetamol has been investigated. The investigation was aimed to study the effect of light on the stability of parasetamol in solution. The role of coloured glasses was also studied.
An ethanolic solution of parasetamol (1 in 100 ethanol 10%), in coloured and colourless glasses was irradiated with sunlight for two weeks. An unirradiated solution was also prepared as control. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed after 2, 7, and 14 days of irradiation.
The result indicated that parasetamol underwent a considerable photodegradation (> 3%) only after 2 days of irradiation and about 5.3% after 14 days, while coloured (brown) glasses could delay photochemical reaction for some time (7 days). The control solution also showed degradation after 14 days but slower and gave different product from that of the irradiated solution.
Key words: photostabllity, parasetamol, irradiation, light.