Summary: | Pendeteksi kebohongan adalah aplikasi yang menerapkan berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan(psikologi,kedokteran,biologi,fisika,komputer,dan lain lain). Aplikasi pendeteksi kebohongan sangatlah berguna terutama dikalangan penegak hukum, untuk mengungkap fakta fakta. Pada prinsipnya metode pendekteksi kebohongan bekerja berdasarkan perubahan respon fisiologis tubuh manusia, yang diakibatkan oleh usahanya untuk menutupi kebohongannya.Dalam paper ini akan dibahas berbagai pendekatan metode yang telah dikembangkan untuk mendeteksi kebohongan,diantaranya deteksi kebohongan berdasarkan konduktivitas kulit, bentuk tulisan tangan , isi ( content tulisan), analisis suara, termograpy, dan gesture.Kata kunci— Lie detector, Detection Deception, Polygraph, PDD Test.AbstractLie detector is an application that applying various of knowledge such as psychology,medicine,biology,physics, computer , and etc. This application is very useful especially among law officer to detect deception. In principle , the lie detector’s methods work based on change of fisilogy respon at human being body. The change of psiology respon is caused by effort to keep their deception. In this papers, we present an approach various methods of lie detection which have been developed . we will present lie detection based on skin conductivity respon, handwriting form, article content, voice analysis, image infrared, and gesture. Keywords— Lie detecotor, Detection Deception, Polygraph, PDD( polygraph Detection deception) Test.