Summary: | The objective of this research is to study the implementation process of integrated crop development in Sidomulyo village, Madiun Region and to study the factors that influence the implementation process of that integrated crop development project. Research was done in 6 months from November 2003 until April 2004. Research was based on implementation of P3 Project. The result showed that the Project' implementation process faced some problems. Several supported and main activities were done late from the first schedule. Beside that the controlling over each activity was also weak so the continuity of the Project in the future is in a question. nly few percentage of the target group was involved in the Project activities, and the target group get difficulties in applying the component technologies of the Project. These problems were influenced by several factors. First, the lateness of financial giving by the central government and allocation of Project financial was unproportional. Second, human resources who have responsibility to do this Project have many burdens beside the Project duty. They have no capability that refers to the Project duty. Third, they have no authority to make both of macro and micro decision during implementing the Project 'activities. Fourth, the communication was built between the implementer and the target group tended to be one side communication, top down communication rather than bottom up communication. Fifth, the target group had different attitude to each technology component they have to adopt because of physical, technical and financial reasons. The research concluded that to give guarantee the continuity of the Project in the future, some actions must be done. The implementers should give more attention to administration rule of the Project. Two-sided communication must be built. The Paradigm of implementers must be changed, which are the activities can be done without money. The central government must give more authority to the implementers to make decision in the Project location.
Keyword: Project Implementation.