Summary: | ABSTRACT
This research was intended to evaluate the capability of remote sensing technology, in this case black and white panchromatic aerial photographs with a scale of 1:40,000 were used in obtaining information on land suitability variables. Geographical Information System (GIS) was needed in designing land use map recommendation for Mamuju coastal areas, South Sulawesi Province.
Aerial photographs were visually interpreted to obtain land form, slope, and land use map. Other suitabiliy variables were obtained from direct measurement and from secondary data. Land suitability analysis was performed by matching land characteristic and land suitability requirement using Arc/Info SIG software version 3.5.1. Recommendation on spatial planning was made aside based on land suitability classes, also based on exdsting land use, land utilization and benefit, spatial management and other land-use related to regulation, as well as development policy.
The result indicated that black and white panchromatic aerial photograph have a good capability in presenting of land form, slope, and land use, with 87% accuracy in the interpretation. The use of GIS with Arc/Info software gave easily the analysis for land suitability and spatial planning, land accelerated the process of map overlaying and buffering and construction of land use and utilization map. The analysis for Mamuju coastal areas resulted 18 land suitability classes, of which 17 classes were recommended for utilization. Those classes could be grouped into 10 utilization purposes, i.e.: mangrove 2781.6 Ha (10.4 %), tourism 113.4 Ha (0.4 %), forest 6671.4 Ha (24.9 %), protected zone 2617.4 Ha (24.9 %), settlement 482.5 Ha (1.8 %), rice field 58.5 Ha (0.2 %), fish ponds 187.8 Ha (0.7 %), annual upland crop field 1998.4 Ha (7.4 %), perenial crop 10524.1 Ha (7.4 %), and industrial zone 2309,8 Ha (8.6 %).
Keywords: Remote sensing, Geographical Information System, Arc/Info, overlay, buffer, matching.