Isolasi Baxteri Inti Es pada Kentang: (isolation of ice nucleation-active bacteria on potato)

ABSTRACT Frost inry is one of the limitingfactors in potato production in Dieng (2000 m above sea level), Central Java The damage caused by frost has been recorded since long time ago, however, there is no studies about this matter. The objective of the present study is to isolate ice nucleation act...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Format: Article
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 1996
Summary:ABSTRACT Frost inry is one of the limitingfactors in potato production in Dieng (2000 m above sea level), Central Java The damage caused by frost has been recorded since long time ago, however, there is no studies about this matter. The objective of the present study is to isolate ice nucleation active bacteria which reside epiphitically at the surface ofpotato leaves. Potato and several crop leaves were collected and the ice catalyst was detected from leaf-washings. The bacteria were isolated on Nutrien Agar and Nutrien Agar Glycerol medium. The results indicated that ice catalyst was detected from the leaf washing of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and broad bean (Vida faba L.) but not from others. The ice catalyst was not detected from the extract of ace soil, neither. The ice nucleation active bacteria were succesfully isolated from potato leaf and were identical to Erwinia ananas in their bacteriological � properties. Key words : Ice Nucleating-Active Bacteria, potato, frost INTISARI Embun upas adalah lapis= tipis es yan menyelimuti permukaan tanaman. Embun upas st) merupakan salah satu faktor pembatas 1", � I .1 kentang di Dieng. Bencana tersebut sudah sej lama mtmcul tetapi =psi saat sekarang be .1, tindakan pencegahan sehmgga kerugian yang diderita petani sangat besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untnk raelakulcan isolasi bakteri inti es pada permukaan daun kentang yang dapat bertindak sebagai pemicu timbulnya =him upas pada kentang. Daun beberapa tanaman, termasuk kentang yang diambil dari Dieng kemudian air cuciannya dideteksi adanya katalisator tarbentulmya es. Dan air cucian datm kentang sup dilakukan isolasi bakteri pada medium NA dan NAG. Hasil melitian menun*kw bahwa pada beberapa tanaman lain dan juga pada tanah pertanian tidak ditemukan adanya or tersebut Isolasi bakteri yang dilakukan dan air cucian daun kentang menunjukkan bahwa bakteri termasuk ke dalam marga Erwmia. Dan bea sifat bakteriologi yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan untuk sementara bahwa bakteri tersebut te ke dalam jenis Erwinia ananas. Kata kunci : bakteri inti es, kentang, embus upas