Hama Penggerek Buah Kakao - Kendala Utama Industri Kakao Indonesia dan Saran Pengelolaannya: (Cocoa pod borer - the main constraint of cocoa industry in indonesia and its management)

ABSTRACT Outbreak of cocoa pod borer has occured in Central Sulawesi and other Indonesian provinces since 199!. The reason of the outbreak has not been clearly defined however, it was presummecl that the event took place after tremendous expansion of coca plantation in the last two decades. . Until...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib
Format: Article
Published: [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada 1996
Summary:ABSTRACT Outbreak of cocoa pod borer has occured in Central Sulawesi and other Indonesian provinces since 199!. The reason of the outbreak has not been clearly defined however, it was presummecl that the event took place after tremendous expansion of coca plantation in the last two decades. . Until December, 1995 the pest has infested 11 provinces including several main cocoa producing areas of Indonesia. Total cocoa area damaged by the pest is about 40,000 ha Bioecological aspects and management of the pest were reviewed These information should be useful to arrange the control strategy of measures developed in other countries can be adopted directly in handling t, term practices. Key words: cocoa pod borer, control strategy INTISARI Ledakan harm penggerek buah kakao telah terjadi di Sulawesi Tengali dan Fovinsi-provinsi lain di Indonesia sejak tahun 1991. Penyebab terjadinya eksplosi hams tersebut belum diketahui secara pasti, flan= demikian diduga berkaitan dengan perluasan ran man kakao secara besar-besaran di Indonesia dalam dua dekade terakhir. Sampai dengan bulan Desember 1995 hama penggerek buah kakao telah menginfeksi pada 11 provinsi termasuk pusat-pusat produksi kakao di Indonesia. Total areal terserang diperkirakan kurang lebih 40.000 ha. Aspek bioekologi dan pengelolaan hama telah diulas dais berbagai literatur terbaru. Diharapkan inforrnasi tersebut bermanfaat dalam menyusun strategi pengendalian hama di Indonesia. Beberapa pengendalian dapat diadopsi secara Iangsung untuk menangani hama ini terutama dalam periode jangka pendek. Kata kunci: penggerek buah kakao, strategi pengendalian