Summary: | Objectives: The objective of this study is to measure level of preparation for accreditation of 12 hospital services at the Stella Maris hospital.
Methods: Self-assessment was used by the researcher to assess 12 hospital services based on the standards developed by the Indonesian comission on accreditation of health services. The findings were then presented using the European Business Excellent Model (EBEM) and the cut-off point was set at 75% in accordance to the Indonesian criterion.
Results and discussion: In general, the findings indicated some weaknesses in all services assessed. However, the following services were regarded as having positive results (strengths): laboratory, pharmacy, work safety, and radiology services. Comparisons of the current score and previous self-assessment in 1998 for five hospital services revealed lack of continuous quality improvement after the first assessment. A special attention should be given to the nursing service, in which the scores were lower for all seven standards compared to the previous assessment.
Conclusion and recommendation: The European Business Excellent Model applied in this study was able to indicate strengths and weaknesses in each standard of the 12 hospitals services. The results should assist the hospital to determine priorities for improvement.
Keywords: hospital accreditation, self-assessment, quality improvement