Summary: | Background: Among cause of death identified in Medical Forensic Department of Sardjito Hospital was due to poison. Poisoning can occur as an accident, muder or suicide.
Methods: A retrospective study et repertum during four year periode (1998-2001) in Medical Forensic Department of Sardjito Hospital was carried out to obtain incidence of poisoning and type of poison used.
Results: The study showed that in this periode mote than 65% of poisoning case can be identified, and more than 77% cause of deaths can be known.
Conclusion: The rinds of materials which make poisoning were alcohol (28,5%, cyanide (17,1%) and insectitisides (14,3%). The most cost of death in poisoning cases was asfixia (77,1).
Keywords: forensic autopsy, visum et repertum, poison pattern