Summary: | ABSTRACT
This study aims at enhancing identification method of fish species of Silurid, by observing the characteristics of mouth palate.
Several metods were used to collect the sample of fishes at Mahakam river in East Kalimantan, as well as from the market and fisherman located around the study area. The sample were preserved in 4% formaline and 70% alkohol. Furthermore, the sample were identified using general character commonly used, based on the methods of Weber and Beaufort, Inger, Kottelat and Saanin. Aside from these methods, it was applied the mothod of observing the mouth palate as well. The partion of mouth palate was preserved in 70% alkohol and then the boiling method was applied.
The results indicate that the palaite and premaxillary bones as well as the arrangment of teeth attachment on both of the bones can be used as taxonomy character in fish identification of Silurid.0
Key word : mouth palate, taxonomic character, Silurid fishes