Summary: | Abstract
Design of antireflection (AR) thin film filters using only Si-compatible materials is extremely
important for any electronic photodetector fabricated using standard semiconductor processing.
The objective of the research is to design a broadband AR thin film filters using Silicon
Compatible Materials.he research was conducted in two steps. The first step was the developing
theoretical design and the secdnd one was computer optimization.
The design method is based on the main properties of symmetrical multilayer periods
developed by Nenkov and I:ancheva (1997). The materials used were limited only to those
practically employed in a 'microelectronic cleanroom environment. The optimization of the
design result was done using a specia computer software in order to improve the coating
The result of design provides a low reflectance «10 % within the passband) for a Si
substrate in the wavelength range of 380 to 780 nm.
Keywords: Thin Film Filter, Anti Reflection Coating (ARC), Silicon Compatible Materials,
Symmetrical Multilayer, TF Calc