Summary: | Abstract:
Coal mining activities must be followed by reclamation effort. If it was not done, environmental degradation such as soil quality changes would occur, not only physically but also chemically. Reclamation should be conducted by re vegetation on the post coal mining land. This research aims to study the physical soil properties on the spoil dump of post coal mining.
Method adopted in research is survey method supported with laboratory analysis. Sampling was done with Purposive Sampling based on age of land. Soil sample was taken as many as 26 samples which were taken in undisturbed condition using mold with 40 cm length. Physical soil properties which were analyzed is soil texture, moisture content, bulk density, porosity and water permeability.
The result of this research showed that soil texture is generally clay. Moisture content has value of about 15,17-39,56%. Bulk density of the West of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 4) have good class (1,20-1.29g/cm3), whereas the East of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 1) have bad class (1,46-1,72g/ cm3). Porosity in the East of Pit 3 is very low class (34,41-48%),I.vhereas the West
of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 4) is moderate (50,14-53%). Permeability is of high class (0,0036-0,0079cm/s). The higher the
age of the pile of soil, the better the bulk density, porosity, and permeability, whereas the moisture content is not a problem because the mean rainfall in the research area is high, namely 3.040 mm.
Keyword :
soil dumping, post coal mining, soil qualihy, physical soil properti