Summary: | Schizophyllum commune (SC) is an edible mushroom which can be found worldwide
except Antactica area. This type of mushroom has attracted attention because of its
medicinal important. Optimization of the media composition is required for the higher
production of SC mycelium mass in order to meet the demand particularly in
pharmaceutical industries. Glucose and yeast extract was selected as carbon and
nitrogen sources for the growth of this fungus and were optimised firstly using OFAT
(one factor at a time) method. This media composition were then optimized using a
response surface methods (RSM) to find the best composition of factors such as
inoculum (seed), carbon, nitrogen concentration to produce a maximum mycelium mass
as a response. Thirty set of different range medium composition were conducted by
RSM design using Design Expert software. The statistical analysis showed that
optimum media containing 11.7 % (v/v) of inoculum, 27g glucose and 1.2g yeast
extract has given maximum production of mycelium mass where the yields of mycelium
mass increased from 6.148g/l (unoptimized) to 15.68g/l in medium (optimized)