Summary: | Abstract. Soda-Lime glass is a very hard and brittle material which is commonly used as window
panels and many other common applications. Due to its low fracture toughness it is very difficult to
machine and obtain good surface finish under nornal cutting conditions. Hence, machining has to be
done in ways to avoid brittle fracture on the finished machined surface. Such machining is only
possible under ductile mode machining conditions when the removal of material is performed in the
plastic state. However, ductile mode machining requires that during machining the temperature
generated in the cutting zone in the working temperature range of glass to avoid crack formation
during machining. This makes all types of machining of glass an extremely challenging affair, given
the current state and mode of mechanical machining. This research paper elucidates the results of an
experimental study for determination of critical depth of cut as a function of cutting parameters in
high speed end milling of soda-lime glass. The critical depth is defined as the depth of cut at which
crack formation the material is initiated for a given high speed attachment. In determining the
critical depth as well as the ductile brittle transition depth, machining was performed on a tapered surface. Vibration signals from an accelerometer in time domain (amplitude vs. time display) and the surface characteristics were used in identifying the critical depth of cut. The new method has been found to be useful in online determination of the critical depth, as well as the brittle-ductile transition depth, for generating crack-free surfaces with good surface finish in high speed end
milling of soda lime glass.