Summary: | ABSTRACT
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We present the first complete theoretital'oVliqueLinei'dince
(45c) far infrared reflectivity of the :uniaxialaAtiPgrEPROISW FeF2, together with experimental comparisons, for the case where the crystal c axis is tilted away from the applied.. static field H
7 :c
bya general angle 9. These spectra are directly,myerned bythe
frequency-dependent magnetic permeability -téri66i'VW-sc3'_ the corresponding experimental technique can beicadirectprO4ft ofF,Ab
dynamics of the sample. Zeeman splittings by the applied field at a particular value of 0 are found in both--s 'and-friialarisafiOn
spectra. Our theoretical reflectivities are in gzidz-agree.Aea4stiVi the experimental results. In particular, the predicted weak s to p and p to s refections for values of 0 intermediate
90 which indicate the occurrence of rotation.x&-IpolatriStailetrY-Ar-e
also verified experimentally. In all cases.thejippreciprocity of
the reflectivity is very clearly seen, that is,--the Wir4aliAty
changes when H. is reversed. Special cases when tbsiirfPci3LC, lies along H. and transverse to Hoare also considered to givelpowle:te
study for the reflectivity.