Summary: | This report orulines an investigation into the dreciiveness of Limping natural Lvolite. in enhancing the performance fi.e. brake power (P) and brake specific fuel consumption (bslo)] of v two-stroke petrol engine, Engine employee' in this test was a rim-stroke petrol engine, single cylinder. Prom the remits, f I MIS found eh at the rise of natural zeolite signifkainiv affected bP and bsfc produced, particularly at high engine speeds. In general, higher doseige of zeolite used, higher bP and lower bsfe produced_ Even for using 30 grains zeoiite. it led to el r increase of bP of the engine for about 0.1002 kW (7,59 %) at law load, and 0.0948 kW (2.i3 high load (occurred of 3500 rpm). A reduction of bsfr ar low load was about f).0918 kg/ kWh (8.36 %), and 0.0478 kg/kWh (9.97 %) at high load. The highest increase of bP at low load WON 0.1814 kW (13.74 94) for Lose of 150 grams zeolite, and it PIUS 0,2414 AW (6.44 %) at high load for use of 20t1 gram.
Yentire .14eanwhile. g,hihest reduction of bsfe. at low load 16T2S 0,1931 kg/f