Summary: | ABSTRACT:
The experiment was conducted to study the effict of N- fertilizer coating on proximate content of sweet corn straw The study was performod on regosol soil at the Agricultural Training Research and Development Center (ATRD or KP-4), Gadjah Mada University, Kalitirto, l3erbah, Simian, Yogyakarta. Five hundred meter square land was used and divided into 12 plots of 6m X 6m sized and were planted sweet corn seed at spaced of about 0,25m within rows and 0.75m between rows. Three urea fertilizer treatments were applied with four replication, namely, conventional urea application (uncoating), where urea given at the rate of 4004 per ha (T-1), and urea oil coating application given at the rate of 60% (T-2) and 40% (T-3) of T-1. Data found were then subjected to
statistical analysis following the randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results of the study indicated that there were significant (P