Summary: | ABSTRACT:
Glyricidea, legume. trees (Giyricidca mactikaa), were introduced into food crop-goat nixed farming practiced by 20 farmers of Boyolali and Grobogan upland areas. In Trial I, farmers were planting a combination of corn and peanut fertilized by either 1) glyricidea. cut and carried from land terraces (Treatment I), 2) goat manure (Treatment II), and 3) urea and tri superphosphate (Treatment III) Partial budgeting showed that the use of glyrieidea as a fertilizer gave added values due to
higher production of foud crops and lower costs of fertilizer (Treatment I ti. Treatment II and Ili). In Trial 2, raising does with supplementation of glyricidea to the ration failed to increase does' lx formance. However, it affected the daily gain of the kids (13�.05). The goats were still kept by farmers and monitored to evaluate if raising goat with 0yrieidca-lood crops farming could aleviatc poverty
Key Words: Glyricidea, Mixed-Farming, Upland Areas