Summary: | perspectives of Malaysian passengers by replicating the factors used in an earlier study by Cronin and Taylor and to address the implication of culture on their choice.
Design/methodology/approach – The selection criteria examined in this study were the items included in the SERVPERF measurement and the relative importance of the dimensions of reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness were examined along with other preferences. Apparently, data was collected through convenience sampling from 500 passengers departing from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Findings – The results confirmed that the model of performance criteria is multi-dimensional; tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. We also found significant positive interrelationships among the constructs of the proposed framework. In this study, five-common factor measurement model was found to be valid and reliable to be used in determining performance of the airline providers. Out of these five factors, three factors (tangibility, reliability, assurance) resulted in strong significance.
Originality/value – This paper attempted to validate a model based on the perception of Malaysian passengers pertaining to the performance of the airline services which will give an insight towards better understanding their attitudes. Further, it will also help the airline industries in designing marketing strategies according to their consumers’ preferences in a different cultural background. Finally, the use of SEM in validating the model is also a valuable contribution.