Summary: | ABSTRACT
The paper investigates the day of the week effect in Jakarta Stock Exchange by using 73 active stocks during 2001-2003 period. The findings indicate that there is a day of the week effect in JSX The highest and the lowest return are observed on Friday and Monday, respectively. Analysis of week four effect in JSX find this phenomenon does not exist in Jakarta Stock Exchange. This study shows that Monday effect occurs not only in the last two weeks (fourth andfifih weeks) but also in the first three weeks.
Investigation about relationship between Monday effect and Friday's return indicates that the negative mean return observed on Monday is not only the consequence of negative return occurring in earlier trading session. Futhermore, non-negative return on Friday also contributes to Monday effect. Further investigation shows that Rogalski effect presents in April. Finally, the study shows the Monday's return is only positive in April..
Keywords : Monday effect, week four effect, Rogalski effect.