Summary: | Coal mining activities may cause a series of environmental and socio-economic issues in communities
around the mining area. Mining can become an obstacle to environmental sustainability and a major
hidden danger to the security of the local ecology. Therefore, the coal mining industry should follow
some specific principles and factors in achieving sustainable development. These factors include
geological conditions, land use, mining technology, environmental sustainability policies and
government regulations, socio-economic factors, as well as sustainability optimization for post-mining
land use. Resources of the remains of the coal which is defined as the last remaining condition of the
resources and reserves of coal when the coal companies have already completed the life of the mine or
the expiration of the licensing contract (in accordance with government permission). This research
uses approch of knowledge-driven GIS based methods mainly Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
and Fuzzy logic for utilizing coal remaining resources and post-mining land use planning. The mining
area selected for this study belongs to a PKP2B (Work Agreement for Coal Mining) company named
Adaro Indonesia (PT Adaro). The result shows that geologicaly the existing formation is dominated by
Coal Bearing Formation (Warukin Formation) which allows the presence of remains coal resource
potential after the lifetime of mine, and the suitability of rubber plantation for the optimization of land
use in all mining sites and also in some disposal places in conservation areas and protected forests.