Summary: | Background: Spinal anesthesia or sub arachnoid block (SAB) has been widely used for patients undergoing
cesarean operation. However, due to changes in both the anatomy and physiologyof pregnant women, large
doses of local anesthetic drugs cause several complications on pregnant women. The purpose of this study
is to compare the duration of sensoric and motoric blockof 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg plus fentanyl
25 μg with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 7.5 mg plus fentanyl 15 μg on cesarean operation with spinal
Method: Design of the study was Randomized Double Blind Controlled Trial. The purpose of the study
was to Compare the duration of sensoric and motoric block. The study was conducted on patients who
underwent elective or emergency caesarean operation in emergency room unit and Central Operation
Theater of Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital, Morangan Hospital and Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital of Klaten.
A Total 68 patients were divided into two groups consisted 34 patients each. A group is 0.5% Hyperbaric
Bupivacaine received 5 mg + fentanyl 25 μg, and B group is received 0.5 % hyperbaric Bupivacaine 7.5 mg
+ fentanyl 15 μg. The onset and duration of sensory block and motor block, systolic blood pressure, diastolic
blood pressure, heart rate (HR), O2 saturation and the complications of all the subjects were measured.
Measurements were performed after injection of local anesthetic drugs intrathecal, during surgery and in
the recovery room.
Result: Duration of sensoric block in A group (86.47±11.38 minutes) was shorter than B group (91,76±15,80
minutes) (p>0,05), not statisticaly signifi cant. The duration motoric block in A group (75,88±10,69 minutes),
whereas in B group (91,92±10.52 minutes) it was statisticaly signifi cant (p<0,05). In A group there were
70,58% patient with bromage score 3 and 100% in group B, was statistically signifi cant.
Conclusion: Bupivacain 5 mg added with fentanyl 25 μg had shorter duration of motoric block than
bupivacain 7,5 mg added fentanyl 15 μg statisticaly signifi cant and had sensoric block was not statisticaly
signifi cant.