Summary: | Schizophyllum commune is a filamentous fungus widely known and distributed across the
world continents. Although S. commune was acknowledged for its medicinal properties in
countries like China and Japan, the Malaysian strain of S. Commune has not been fully
utilized and developed. These basidiomycetes can be found abundantly in rubber
plantations across Malaysia especially after raining season. S. commune excreted an
exopolysaccharide known as Schizophyllan which can be identified as a homoGlucan
containing a β-(1,3)-linked backbone with single β-(1,6)-linked glucose side chains at every
third residue. Schizophyllan is believed to have an antiviral, antimicrobial as well as
anticancer activity. The purpose of this study is to observe the cytotoxicity effect of S.
commune extract towards the DF-1 cell line. The selected Malaysian strain of S.commune
mycelia were cultivated by liquid fermentation using shake flasks in selective media and
under certain condition to produce the secondary bioactive compound. Compound was
extracted by addition of isopropanol that will be separated later using centrifugation. The
analysis of S. commune extract by FTIR showed the weak bond at 890 cm-1 as evidenced of
the β-glycosidic linkage characteristic. The cytotoxicity analysis showed only 37 percent of
inhibition rate of DF-1 cell line viability for 1 mg/ml of S. commune extract and the value
of IC50 is higher 100 mg/ml showed there was no cytotoxic effect. Therefore, the S.
commune is safe to be used for further study involving this cell line.