Summary: | This research was conducted in Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta , aiming to obtain dataon the effect of the addition of rhizobium inoculum and on the productivity of Edamamesoybeanstraw. The objectives of this research were to determine the effect of plant spacingand harvesting period on the growth and production of Edamame soybean hay (Glycini max).The spacing treatments were 20 cm x 20 cm (J1) and 20 cm x 50 cm (J2), while theharvesting period treatments were 65 days (UP1) and 78 days (UP2). Each planting mediumwas 2 x 2,5wich was added by basic fertilizer, i.e. manure . Replication of this research wasconducted three times. After 3 weeks, Edamame soybean plants were given urea (50kg/ha), Kfertilizer (25 kg/ha), and P fertilizer (45 kg/ha). The soil used as the growing media ofedamame soybeans was latosol type. The observations included Edamame soybean growth
(vegetative and reproductive), and dry matter production as well as organic matter productionof Edamame soybean hay and pods. The data obtained were analyzed using a completelyrandomized design (CRD) factorial 2 x 2. If there were differences, the test was thenfollowed by Duncan 's new multiple range test (DMRT). The results of the study showed thatthat treatment of plant spacing did not significantly affect plant growth stadia of Edamamesoybean, both vegetative and reproductive stadia. Dry matter productions of Edamamesoybeanstrawfor difference (P < 0.01) wereJ1UP10.58 tons/ ha, J2UP1 0.43 tons/ha,J1UP2 1.64tons/ ha , and J2UP2 0.88 tons/ ha. Differences in plant spacing and harvestingperiod affected dry matter production of hay, and also the organic matter production of hay(P< 0.05). In 78 day harvesting period (UP2) the dry matter production of Edamame soybean
hay and pods was higher than in 65 day harvesting period(UP1).