Summary: | The development of Animal vaccine is very importanl to prevent Lhe economical loss ln farming industry. This research aims to develop vector candidate for DNA vaccine based on cirirosan 11anoparticles.In Lhis research , plasmid .NTC8685 (Nature Technology Corporation) on antibiotic-free vector. is used as the DNA vaccine vector. Chitosan wilh medium.chain is as polymers that entrap the plasmid DNA resulting chitosan-DNA nanoparticles. PLb"'mid NTC8685-eGFP waJ> transforme d to Escherichia coli NTC4682 as cloning host.Tile :olony that grow in seleCiion media were comfmned using colony PCR. plasmid extmction. pla:. id PCR and p lasmid restriction. The optimization of nanoparticles was done using different mass ratio of chilosan to plasmid UNA. Ten colonies were chosen randomly and confirmed using colony-PCR result a single 700 bp band. Plasmid from Clone-10 was extracll;d and confirmed using PCR J:esull a single 700 bp band.Plasmid was al o con firmed resu lting in two distinct bands: 3000 bp and 700 bp band. The visualization of chitosan-DNA nanoparticles showed that formulation with ma. s ratio chitosan: DNA, 1:1.0 can be used to entrap DNA more efficiently compared to masuatios .The mass ratio l:I ,25 or high er NTC8685-eGFP vector could be applied as vector candldate for DNA vaccine encapsulated wilh cbitosan nanopnrticles