Summary: | Seismic exploration for finding new hydrocarbon field is a real challenge today. Exploration
success even more crucial this day because of the greater pressure from expensive survey activities
and complex subsurface interpretations. Those issues sometimes drop the spirit to discover new
hydrocarbon fields. In order to help providing solution, we try to propose DHI Skimming. This
technique performs a quick reading of Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator (DHI) in the exploration area
covered by 3D seismic data and helps to shape the focus of exploration since early phase. DHI
Skimming particularly looks for bright spot and flat spot based on energy seismic attribute as the
earliest indicator of the hydrocarbon accumulation presence. It treats them as DHI-Energy
anomalies that predominantly associated with gas reservoirs. We introduce the concept of DHI
Skimming together with usage conditions, confirmation steps, and the interpretation result on
Dutch Offshore F3 Block, North Sea.
DHI Skimming successfully detected existence of eight speculative fields and a regional
distribution of deeper potential reservoir. Seismic structural interpretation found some faults as
structural controls on several fields indicated the presence of hydrocarbon migration path.
Advanced seismic interpretation tested one of the speculative fields with some confirmation
techniques, which showed consistency in the prospective values. These results demonstrate the
effectiveness of speculative hydrocarbon fields detection using DHI Skimming. This technique is
able to provide early anticipation for subsurface uncertainty and to strengthen decision making in
order to avoid exploration failures.
Keywords: Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator, Seismic Attributes, Speculative Hydrocarbon Field