Summary: | Objective of this research is to understand tectonic
event and stratigraphy in order to know better about
petroleum potential of this area. Method used in this research is taking primary field data and combine with
secondary data to interpret the results. The primary data
of 841 shear fractures had been measured from the field
in Banyumas basin, from various lithological formation
such as Karangsambung Formation as the oldest, then
Gabon Formation, Halang Formation, Kumbang Formation and Tapak Formation. The result is, there are 3 (three) paleostress from after Eocene to Pliocene age:
(1) Paleostress NW-SE with transpressive or
compressional strike-slip regime at after Eocene to Late
Oligocene, (2) Paleostress NNW-SSE with pure
strike-slip regime in Miocene and (3) Paleostress
NNE-SSW with pure compressional regime in Pliocene.
Generally, the paleostress is rotating clockwise, and
stratigraphy of every tectonic events show an opportunity to the petroleum potential of this basin.
Keywords: Tectonostratigraphy, Banyumas basin,
Petroleum potential