Summary: | Karayuki-san is a term referring to Japanese women who worked as prostitutes abroad from the Meiji Period (1868-1912) to the World War II. This study investigates the various conditions that encourage Japanese women to be karayuki-san, to understand the kinds of exploitations that the kararukisan experienced during their journey to Indonesia and worked as prostitutes in some cities in Indon~ia. The main data sources for this research are some diplomatic records (confidential and disclosed) obtained from the Japanese Consulate in Singapore and Batavia from Meiji 28 (1895) to Taisho 4{ 1915), Dutch Colonial Governments Regulations related to Japanese migrants, particularly those collected in the Missive Gouvernements Secretaris (Mgs), and dialog records between Yamazaki Tomoko and the ex-karayuki-san that were recorded in Sandakan Hachiban Shookan (Sandakan No.8 Brothel).
Key Words: Karayuki-san, prostitusi, broker, Netherlands Indie.