Summary: | Wanagama Forest, located in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, was cleared in 1926. It was then rehabilitated with teak (Tectona grandis) in 1927 and 1948, but these trees have not been successful yet. In 1960 and 1964, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) started to cultivate mulberry (Morus alba) in 10 hectares, as well as fast-growing and fast-harvesting species. Terracing was used and season also calculated. In 1967, rehabilitation continued with tree species within 79.9 hectares and became 599.9 hectares in 1983. Recently, uncultivated areas of Wanagama forest still exist and are interesting for exploring because of limited data. A
study was conducted between June and November 2008 to investigate the plant composition in this uncultivated area. Nine plots of 5 m × 40 m were randomly made. All vegetation in the plots was counted, sampled, documented, and then identified in UGM. There were 83 species and 35 families recorded. Cyperus rotundus is the most dominant species. Cyperaceae is the most dominant family, followed respectively by Fabaceae and Poaceae. Fabaceae has big potential for rehabilitation to hasten
succession in Wanagama forest.