Summary: | Free Space Optics (FSO) link have capabilities of
providing optical communications similar to fiber optics based
communications. However, the operational status of an FSO link is
highly weather dependent which hampered the FSO link with
feasibility issue. Among the major effect on FSO links under local
weather condition is due to attenuation of heavy rainfall. Attenuation
due to rainfall can restrict the path length of communication systems
at frequencies above 10 GHz. The studies on the effect of rain
intensity variation have been proposed by many models based on the
radio wave propagation at centimeter or millimeter wavelength.
Among the models are Lin Model, Moupfouma Model, Assis Model,
Dissanayake and Allnutt Model, ITU Model, Abdulrahman Model
and Silva Mello Model. The objective of this research to investigate
the effect of rain intensity variation on the rain attenuation prediction
for FSO links.