Summary: | Background: Effective control of blood glucose and activities of antioxidant are key factors that prevent diabetes mellitus
(DM) and its complications. There are lots of herbal plants that have those both effects. Ceplikan leaves (Ruellia tuberosa
L.) is a traditional medicine which is empirically used to lower blood glucose level. Instead of antioxidant compound, there
is assumed other compound in ceplikan leaves that has side effect to pancreatio beta cells.
ObJective: To identify the effect of ceplikan leaves extract to blood glucose level and pancreas histology description in
white diabetic rats (Rattus norvegicus).
Method: Thirty subjects of Wistar strain male white rats of 2-3 months old and of 150-200 grams weight were made
diabetic with aloxan and randomly divided into 5 groups. Group I consisted of diabetic rats with aquadest, group II with
glibenclamide, and Group 11I-V were given extract of ceplikan leaves in different concentretions that were 1.6 mg, 3.2 mg,
and 6.4mg, respectively. Treatment was given orally per day within 30 days. Level of blood glucose was measured in the
day of 0, 3, 4, and 30. Statistical analysis used repeated measures and t-test.
Result: The supply of ceplikan leaves extract could reduce level of blood glucose of diabetic rats, although the decrease
was insignificant. A verage diameter of wider Langerhans island occurred to the group of diabetic rats that were given
extract of ceplikan leaves dosage 6.4 mg. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in changes of blood glucose level
before and after experiment in diabetic rats. Pancreas histological description of rats showed that there was improvement
as indicated by greater quantity of Langerhans island and wider diameter of Langerhans island.
Conclusion: Ceplikan leaves was safe and efficacious, $0 that self medication of DM using ceplikan leaves could be
sustained through formal approach.