Summary: | Coastal fishing port (PPP) Sadeng located in the bay Sadeng, Sadeng Songbayu Village, District Girisubo, Gunungkidul. Another interesting side is the main corridor access to PPP Sadeng be regarded as an ancient chanel of Bengawan Solo. With its location overlooking the South coast, this port was threatened by tsunamis. The provision of spatial data is very useful both for the development of this port as well as to study the tsunami disaster mitigation. This study use UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to collect photo images of Sadeng. A total of 8 points GCP measured to be used in photo processing. Coverage areas include the measurement of the mouth of the port to the east and west respectively as far as2.5 km; of the port basin to the North as far as 2 kilometers. The area of the shooting is ± 1200 ha. The number of photo images successfully obtained are 2536 photos from 13 flyways. Images processing produces orthophoto images and DTM of Sadeng. Error of orthophoto rectification is 0.043 meter. This value is smaller than GSD that is 0,058 meter. From DTM, the main access approacing Sadeng has a slope of 1%, meaning it is ramp slope. On the other hand, cross sectional profiles resembling cross section of river forming “V” or “U” shapes.