Summary: | Animal-protein foods come from fish and livestock products. Compare to fish products, consumption of livestock products such as meat, egg, and milk are increasing significantly. Household expenditure survey data was used to analyze factor affecting consumption of animal-protein among households. Binary-logit regression model analysis was used to evaluate the influence of house hold`s socioeconomic factors regarding the animal-protein foods consumption. The findings revealed that urban households spent 25,687.19 IDR and 52,778.63 IDR on protein weekly from fish products and livestock products, respectively; while rural households spent 8.65% for fish products and 17.77 % on livestock products from total food expenditure. Household socioeconomic factors such as household size, location, participation and school and work status of household-head and other economic factors such as income, level of household expenditure on food, and the price of some animal protein food influenced on household decisions on animal protein food consumption. The value of marginal effect from logistic regression analysis showed that socioeconomic factors of the household tend to increase animal protein food from livestock products about varies between 0.5 to 6.09 times comparing to those of fish products. Consequently, potential increasing of livestock products demand require availability of its foods by enhancing the meat, egg, and milk products production. The policy of pricing is needed to bring down the protein foods price to make it affordable for poor household. Educational programmes should be organized for more knowledge about the importance of protein in their diet.