Summary: | Main obstacles for the success of artificial insemination is low efficiency of reproduction characterized by failure of pregnancy. Low efficiency of reproductivity and productivity in cattle showed that there is a reproductive disorder [1]. A reproductive disorder in cattle generally characterized by the presence of anestrus symptoms and repeat breeding. A case that characterized by anestrus is ovarian hypofunction, ovarian atropi, luteal cyst, endometritis, metritis, and pyometra. A case that characterized by the presence of repeat breeding is subclinical endometritis, delayed ovulation, and follicular cyst. Up to now epidemiological studies against the prevalence and risk factors of reproductive disorder in beef cattle not widely unveiled. The aim of this research was to find out the prevalence and risk factors of a reproductive disorder in beef cattle. Expected benefits of the present research is to provide an information of epidemiological of reproductive disorder in beef cattle in Central Java Province as well as providing information of economic impact resulting from disruption of reproduction. In addition, this research result can be contributing to ideas for local governments as decision makers to make efforts of prevention, controlling, and eradication on reproductive disorder optimally.