Summary: | Stunting has been a public health problem in several developing countries including Indonesia. One of the strategies to reduce stunting was family assistance. This study was aimed to estimate the effect of family assistance by using an integrative nutrition package through home visits on the growth and development of stunted children. Method: This was an experimental study using pre-test post-test with control group design, conducted in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, on March to May 2022. The intervention group was provided an integrative nutrition package (INP) including maternal education, behavioral change through home visit, as well as monitoring children’s outcome, while the control group was asked to read and follow child care procedure in the maternal and child health (MCH) book as a standard procedure. Both groups were visited by trained health volunteers and had a complementary feeding (CF) package weekly for four weeks. The outcomes of this study were the maternal outcome (knowledge and behavior on children’s growth monitoring (CGM), children’s development monitoring (CDM), and infant/young children feeding (IYCF) as well as children’s outcomes, including body weight (BW), body height
(BH), and child score development (CSD). This study used generalized estimating equation (GEE) to estimate the differences in differences (DID) of the impact of intervention compared with control group and compared among three different times (baseline, fourth, and eighth week). Results: There were 60 stunted children under five years in this study, i.e., 30 in intervention group and 30 in control
group. From the GEE analysis, it was found that the regression adjusted DID showed statistically significant increase of all outcomes including children’s development score (CDS). The adjusted DID effect (95% CI) on 8th week for children’s weight, height, and development score were 0.31 (0.25–0.37), 0.41 (0.13–0.68), and −0.40 (−0.59–(−0.21)), respectively, among the intervention group. Conclusions: INP through home visit successfully increased maternal and children’s outcomes compared witsh standard procedure. The effect of intervention was found to be consistently significant in the fourth and eighth weeks after intervention. We recommend the local government to apply INP through home visit especially in high-prevalence stunting areas.