Summary: | The upstream watershed area (DAS) has a function as a buffer zone. The Merawu
watershed is one of the upstream parts of the Serayu watershed which is dominated by agricultural
land. The declining carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed is indicated by the imbalance
between supply and demand for resources in the Merawu watershed. For a long time, it can
interfere with the function of the soil as life support. The research objectives are: 1) analyzing the
carrying capacity of the Merawu watershed through 3 approaches, namely: ecological footprint
(land capacity), water capacity,, and land protection capacity. The research method used is to
compare supply and demand. And 2) Formulating a recovery strategy in the Merawu watershed
based on an analysis of the environmental carrying capacity and focusing on increasing the
carrying capacity. The results showed that the Merawu watershed has the carrying capacity of the
protection function in the overshoot condition, the water carrying capacity in the conditionallysave
condition, and the carrying capacity of the land in the overshoot condition. There are five
watershed recovery strategies in the upstream, middle and downstream areas to increase carrying