Summary: | ABSTRACT
Preparation of a kaolin-hydroxyl chromium composite and characterization of its physico-chemical properties
were conducted. The olygomer hydroxyl-chromium was prepared by adding Na2C03 to 0.1 M chromium nitrate
solution (ratio OHICr = 2) and then dried at 110°C and 400 °c for 4 h. Characterization of kaolin-hydroxyl chromium
composite includes determination of acidity, functional groups, basal spacing, and surface area (BET-N2 sorption
analyzer). The result showed that intercalation of hydroxyl chromium resulted in the decreasing of basal spacing but
increased the specific surface area of kaolin. Drying of the intercalated kaolin at 400°C decreased surface area,
total volume pore and pore radius. FT-IR spectra showed that hydroxyl-chromium detected at wavelength of 2925
and 2855 cm-1. .
Keywords: natural kaolin, intercalation, olygomer hydroxyl-chromium, kaolin-hydroxyl chromium composite