Summary: | The ontology model can help students "own" their learning process by giving them personalized feedback from formative assessments. However, there is no comprehensive ontology model of the necessary data. Therefore, this study aims to construct an ontology model of formative assessment using heutagogy approach. The first part of the research is a review of nine review articles, which is followed by design research. Formative assessments of the heutagogy approach are traditional (objective and essay tests) and outcome-based (such as developmental portfolios, the analytic rubric, and the perception rubric). Both assessments could provide personalized feedback, but they differ in response start, learning domain, speed of assessment results, focus, and execution time. Using a heutagogy approach, the design
research results in an ontology schema, which is made up
of learning resources and formative assessments. Our
ontology model is the basis for the personalized feedback
of an ontology-based recommender system. Moreover, this
model can be used with other recommendation techniques.