Summary: | ABSTRACT
This article wants to emphasize contestation among authorities in understanding gandrung as
identity construction that increased since 2000 until 2005. 81ambangan Art Council and bureaucracy.
for example, tried to increase Using identity through political policies. 8y using hegemony perspective,
especially in the concept of contestation among residual, dominant. and emergent cuhure. I will analyze
(I) the processof the contestation forgandrung amongbureaucracy.santri,and capitalistin the context
of representation of Using identity based on socio-cultural powers of each authority in particular times
and spaces and (2) the power position of each authority in crafting hegemony towards gandrung. As
something constructed, cultural identity is discursive. fradured. and dynamic based on times and spaces.
Representation of Using identity is a battle-field in a cultural political project.
Keywords: Gandrung 8anyuwangi, hegemony. representation. contestation, identity