Summary: | ABSTRACT
Caricatures are used mainly to put forward constructive ideas on prevailing issues and to put forward
humorous (Unction. The types of speech act practiced are commisive, expressive, verdictive, assertive,
directive, and performative. The dominating speech act found is directive. Based on the forms of speech
act used, types of speech act practiced by the caricaturist are direct type of speech act. In the practice
of cooperative principles, the caricaturist violates the maxims of quantity. quality. relevance, and manner.
Politeness principles practiced by the caricaturist are tact, agreement, sympathy. and modesty maxims.
Unguistic aspects utilized are phonological aspects, phrases, words, sentences, and discourse which
coherence with the pictures.
Keywords: caricature, pragmatics, language, implicature, community