Summary: | ABSTRACT
One source of water pollutions is caused by the high use of surface-active agents (surfactants) by industries
and households. As a consequence, it is required to remove such substances from the environment One of the
important and widely used methods for removal of substances from solution is adsorption. In this research, MCM-41
and its modification MCM41-TMCSwere used to adsorb nonionic surfactant, TritonX-114. FTIR and NMR methods
were used to study the interaction between the surfactants and the adsorbents. MCM-41 was synthesized
hydrothermally at 100°C and its modification was conducted by silylation of MCM-41 with trimethylchloro silane
(MCM41-TMCS). Both unmodified and modified MCM-41 can adsorb the surfactant. The amount adsorbed in the
unmodified material is higher than that in the modified one. The interaction of Triton X-114 with MCM-41 was
hydrogen bonding between the silanol groups in MCM-41 and hydroxyl groups of Triton X-114. For modified
samples, Triton X-114 interacted with alkylsilyl groups mostly through hydrophobic interaction. It is more likely that
the interaction was through C12, C13, C26 and C27 of TritonX-114.