Summary: | ABSTRACT
Polyeugenyl oxyacetic acid has been synthesized from polyeugenol and chloroacetic acid and applied to
separate metal Fe(/II), Cr(lll), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(ll), and Pb(lI) uslng solvent extraction method.pH effect, polyeugenyl
oxyacetic acid ion ca"ier concentration, extraction time, and metal concentration optimized to gain optimum
The result of experiment indicated that polyeugenyl oxyacetic acid resulted the yellowed brown synthesis with
melting point 125°C and yield 68.9%. The Characterizationof spectroscopy IR attributed by absorption to the area
1735,8 em -1as carbonyl extend vibration (C=O) acid and 1H-NMRthat was attributed by chemical shift at 4.6 ppm
as carboxy proton (CHz-C=O).The metal separation optimum condition gained pH 3-6 for ion Fe(/II), pH 5 for ion
Cr(lll), Ni(II), and Co(lI) and pH 6 for ion Cu(II), and Pb(II). Optimum carrier concentraction5 mL, 10mL, and 15mL
for ion Fe(/II), and ion Cr(lll), Ni(II), Co(II),and ion Cu(II), Pb(lI) respectively.Extraction time 2.5 h for ion Fe(/II), 20 h
for ion Cr(II'lt and 36 h for ion Cu(II), Pb(II), Ni(II), and Co(II). Metal concentration that would extracted correctly
(0.75-5 x 10 M) for ion Fe(/II), (0.75-2.5x 1cr M) for ion Cr(/II), Ni(II), and Co(lI) and (0.75-1x 10'"M) for ion Cu(lI)
and Pb(II). The best polyeugenil oxyacetic acid response to separate ion Fe(/II) than other ions with selectivity order
Fe(/II» Cr(lll» Cu(II» Pb(II» Ni(II» Co(II).
Keywords: polyeugenil oxyacetic acid, pH, extraction time, metal concentraction,solvent extraction