Summary: | ABSTRACT
In this paper, we report a suitable method for extracellular synthesis of copper oxide nano particles by using
Phormidium cyanobacterium. We hypothesize that synthesis of copper oxide nano particles is believed to occur by
extracellular hydrolysis of the cationic copper by certain metal chelating anionic proteins/reductase secreted by
bacteria under simple experimental conditions like aerobic environment, neutral pH and room temperature. Proteins
not only reduce Cu (II) into copper oxide nano particles (CONPs) but also plays significant role in stabilization of
formed nanoparticles at room temperature. Further TEM, SEM, XRD and FTIR analysis have confirmed the
synthesis of nano particles through microbial route. Extracellular induction of metal chelating proteins/reductase was
analyzed by SDS-PAGE.
Keywords: Synthesis, copper oxide nano particles, Phormidium cyanobacterium