Summary: | The fresh untreated tannery wastewater contains high organic and chemical pollutants. This study aims to determine the growth characters of Pseudomonas sp. LS3K in high polluted medium from fresh untreated tannery wastewater. The growth characterization was observed in the solid medium (containing 0;25;50;75 and 100 sterile tannery wastewater) and liquid medium that contained tannery wastewater at 0;25 and 50). The growth of Pseudomonas sp. LS3K was determined by observing the colony in the agar medium, the optical density (OD600) of the liquid medium, and the cell viability. The growth of the bacteria Pseudomonas sp. LS3K could not be observed at both agar and liquid medium containing tannery wastewater =50. The growth activity could be observed in the agar medium containing 25 tannery wastewater on the second day incubation time. The growth curve was also observed at a liquid medium containing tannery industrial liquid waste at a concentration of 25 during 36 hours of observation. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Pseudomonas sp. LS3K had the potency adapted to live and grow at the medium that contaminated up to 25 fresh tannery wastewater. This strain could be a bioremediation agent of tannery wastewater. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.