Summary: | ABSTRACT
A series of superabsorbent hydrogels were prepared'from aery/amide and carrageenan by gamma irradiation at room temperature. Carrageenan solutions with different concentration (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%) have been blended with 5% of aery/amide and irradiated at doses 20-40 kGy. The properties of the prepared hydrogel were evaluated in terms of the gel fraction and the kinetics swelling was studied. /t was found that the incorporationonly 2% carrageenan (kappa) with 5% aery/amidecan produces an elastic hydrogel when irradiatedwithgamma rays up to 40 kGy. Under optimum conditions, poly (acrylamide)-carrageenan hydroge/s with gel fraction - 60% and optimum swelling 250 gig were prepared gamma radio/yticcally from aqueous solution containing 5% aery/amide and 2%
carrageenan at the doses 2D-40kGy. The FT-/R spectra indicated that network of irradiated PAAM-carrageenan
hydrogel was in the semi /PN structure. The hydrogels were also found to be sensitive to ionic strength of the
medium,pH and temperature.
Keywords: carrageenan, aery/amide, irradiation, superbasorbent, cross/inking