Summary: | Sengon Village is one of the regions affected by the Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006. This paper aims to propose a model for disaster risk management in the local level, i.e., in a village. This study uses a participatory method through Focused Group Discussion to map vulnerabilities, evacuation routes, and the location of evacuation shelters. A strength-weakness-opportunity-threat analysis is carried out to assess community preparedness, which is then used as one of the bases for preparing standard operating procedures (SOP) for earthquake preparedness. The results showed that the community was able to design and determine evacuation routes, potential evacuation sites, and to identify the elements at risk as well as the vulnerability to earthquakes. The earthquake SOP was generated from the FGDs with stakeholders at the village and district levels. Earthquake SOP have become a village regulation and are planned to be legalized at the district level. As a follow-up to this SOP, routine simulations are needed to test the success rate of earthquake risk reduction program. The disaster risk management for earthquake resulted through this approach can strengthen Sengon Village to become a major disaster resilient village (Desa Tangguh Bencana/DESTANA Utama), as a part of national disaster risk reduction program. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.