Summary: | Bangka Belitung is a natural resources-rich province in Indonesia, especially tin metal. The covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on labor and economic conditions in Bangka Belitung. The method used in this study is using secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics Bangka Belitung. Analysis of trends and characteristics of labor absorption is done by analyzing several indicators such as the characteristics of the employment sector, the attribute of employment status, the characteristics of the types of employment, and the elasticity of the employment field. The results of data acquisition are then analyzed using descriptive quantitative data analysis. The study shows a shift in the dominance of workers from the primary to the tertiary sector. The dynamic of labor absorption in Bangka Belitung Island is mainly affected by covid-19 and technology. The agricultural sector is the dominant type of work and has the highest increase in labor absorption in 2020 at 2,98. A significant decrease was 3,58 in the mining sector as a major sector in Bangka Belitung. Labor productivity shows a fluctuating trend in each sector. Employment decreased during the pandemic followed by the substitution of jobs that focus on the formal sector for the informal sector. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.