Summary: | The availability of green open space in urban areas is decreasing in line with the increase in population and land use change, which affects carbon stocks and CO2 levels in the air. The less green open space, the less carbon stock is stored. This study aims to determine the spatial distribution of green open space with PlanetScope images and estimate the carbon stock of standing green open space in Jebres, Surakarta. The methods used were allometric equation and linear regression analysis. Sample plots in the field were determined by Stratified Random Sampling. Planetscope images could map green open space with an accuracy rate of 91.3 and an area of 2.0257 km2 consisting of green open space in grass, shrubs, and stands. The results of biomass estimation with NDVI vegetation index and biomass measurement in the field were 0.17563 to 1.93544 tons/pixel, resulting in an estimated carbon stock of 0.0000046 tons/pixel - 0.768 tons/pixel. The accuracy test in this study uses the Standard Error of Estimation (SEE) with a SEE value of 0.256367, a minimum error of 2.35, and a maximum error of 3.95, thus proving that Planetscope images can estimate green open space carbon stocks accurately. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.